Latest News
Managing Your Income Tax Payments
Do you find it difficult to plan for "tax time"? Is it an arduous task trying to work out how much tax you should be paying and when? Or do you find it frustrating when you have to wait until the end of the financial year to ascertain your tax position then the IRD...
Introducing Young Read Woudberg
New Partner appointed at YRW…
We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Natalie Milne as a Partner of Young Read Woudberg. Natalie has more than a decade’s Chartered Accounting experience at Young Read Woudberg, and has a diverse range of clients that span many industries. Aside from her...
Rocket! Young Read Woudberg Tauranga Professionals Awards 2013
Young Read Woudberg were once again sponsors of the Rocket! Tauranga Young Professionals awards for 2013. The awards provide an opportunity to recognise talented individuals who are dedicated to professional careers in Tauranga. The night was opened with a welcoming...
New Appointment to Young Read Woudberg
The principals at YRW are delighted to announce the appointment of Natalie Milne as Associate of the practice. Natalie is a fully qualified Chartered Accountant with almost 10 years experience. She is proficient in many areas of accounting and taxation and is...
Rocket! Young Read Woudberg Tauranga Professionals Awards 2012
For the fourth year running Young Read Woudberg has sponsored the Tauranga Professionals Awards in conjunction with Rocket!. These awards honour both employees and business owners, and are open to anyone who fits the entry criteria and lives and works in the wider...
Mills Reef Running & Cycling Festival – Sunday 14th October 2012
Due to the low number of confirmed participants, this event has been cancelled. A new cycling and running event is coming to Tauranga. Bay of Plenty based event company Event Promotions are proud to announce they are bringing a new event, The Mills Reef Running...
Rugby World Cup in full swing!
For those of you who have registered for our Rugby World Cup competition, check out your interim round 4 field position on our Competitions page.